SHINE - Our Model of Learning


S - Supportive Learning 

 We recognise that in order for children to be able to learn they must be in a comfort zone where their emotional and physical needs are met. All staff work hard to provide an atmosphere where children feel safe to take risks and know that their efforts will be valued. Staff use 'Brain Breaks'to prepare children for learning. High expectations of behaviour help maintain a positive climate for learning. (See also positive behaviour policy)


H - Horizons

Visualising your goals

At the start of most lessons teachers will specifically describe the learning intention using WALT (We Are Learning To…). This will often be supported with a list of component parts of the learning and requisite skills known as the ‘Success Criteria’. Assessment for learning questioning techniques are used to check children’s starting points and links are made to previous learning so that children’s experiences are rooted in the familiar.


I - Initiate   Investigate   Instruct

Through direct teaching and modelling, using a range of styles to appeal to different learners, teachers demonstrate what successful outcomes look like. They clearly explain the task and the differentiated levels of challenge before checking that children are clear about the expectations. Teaching has excellent pace and where  possible is enriched with the  use of ICT.


N - New Learning   New skills   New Knowledge

Children are encouraged to challenge themselves but to be responsible learners who are able to recognise when they need support. A range of methods of differentiation are used to ensure that all children are able to make progress from their starting points and extension activities are available for children who make rapid progress. Mini plenaries are used to consolidate or redirect learning where necessary.


E - Echo

Recall   Review    Reflect

Children evaluate their own work through self and peer assessment. They reflect on what exactly made the learning achievable and/or what barriers to accessing the learning still exist. Teachers use plenaries to celebrate success, to consolidate learning and to look forward to the next steps to come.  


Work is displayed in classrooms and ‘Stars of the Week’ are applauded in the celebration assembly.