Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
Our school SENCO is Jessica Ferguson.
All pupils are welcome at St Levan Primary School regardless of any individual needs. We always aim to meet or adapt practice to suit all pupils’ needs.
We provide for pupils with needs in the following areas:
- Communication and Interaction - this includes children with speech and language delay, impairments or disorders and those who demonstrate features within the autistic spectrum.
- Cognition and Learning - this includes children who demonstrate features of moderate, severe or profound learning difficulties or specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia or dyspraxia.
- Social, Mental and Emotional Health - this includes children who may be withdrawn or isolated, hyperactive or lack concentration and those who display disruptive or disturbing behaviour.
- Sensory and/or Physical Needs - this includes children with sensory, multi-sensory and physical difficulties. This may include pupils with hearing or visual impairments or those who benefit from a sensory diet.
The SEND Code of Practice
The Code of Practice for Special Education Needs gives the school the responsibility of identifying children with special educational needs and ensuring appropriate provision is made.
It is the policy of the school to identify any child with a special educational need at the earliest possible age in order that the appropriate provision can be made. Those experiencing difficulties will, after consultation with parents, be placed on the SEND register.
The role of the parents in identifying and helping their child with special difficulties is vital, and the school uses its policy of parental consultations to the full to maintain a close working relationship.
Not all children who are identified as having special educational needs have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). For these children, who often have language or reading difficulties, we endeavour to offer support in the classroom using non-teaching staff, and the advice of our SEN co-ordinator (SENCO). The support these children are given is often on a daily basis and is linked whenever possible with the planned work of the class.
For a very small number of children a formal assessment of educational need is made, and an EHCP written which identifies the help needed and recommends appropriate action. The procedure involves the School Doctor, the Educational Psychologist, the teaching staff and other professional bodies who may be able to offer advice. This can be a lengthy process and the school will offer as much support to parents as possible.
The provision that is made for children with an EHCP is varied and may consist of short periods of specialist teaching, ancillary support, physiotherapy, or possibly a place in another school offering specialist provision. The EHCPs of the children are reviewed annually, and parents are fully involved in this process.
Our school offer is to be understood alongside the local offer. This comprises a directory of services that parents can access. Cornwall’s local offer can be found here:
- PHONICS SEND Strategies St Levan.pdf
- READING SEND Strategies St Levan.pdf
- WRITING SEND Strategies St Levan.pdf
- MATHS SEND Strategies St Levan.pdf
- SCIENCE SEND Strategies St Levan.pdf
- GEOGRAPHY SEND Strategies St Levan.pdf
- PSHE SEND Strategies St Levan.pdf
- RELIGIOUS EDUCATION SEND Strategies for Supporting Pupils.pdf
- COMPUTING SEND Strategies for Supporting Pupils.pdf
- HISTORY SEND Strategies for Supporting Pupils.pdf
- MFL SEND Strategies for Supporting Pupils.pdf
- ART SEND Strategies for Supporting Pupils.pdf
- DESIGN TECHNOLOGY SEND Strategies for Supporting Pupils.pdf
- MUSIC SEND Strategies for Supporting Pupils.pdf
- PE SEND Strategies for Supporting Pupils.pdf
- emotional awareness
- social skills
- friendship skills
- self-esteem
- anger management