Pupil Voice

Pupil Voice


At St Levan, we believe that our children are the most important people and we endeavour to give all children opportunities to share their thoughts and opinions and play an active role in the decisions that affect their learning and well-being.

We have different ways that children can do this, such as through the school council, pupil questionnaires and helping to write articles for the school newsletter. We encourage pupils to share their thoughts, opinions and ideas regularly and aim for an ethos where pupils feel confident sharing this information within their own classroom and with the wider school.

We regularly undertake activities in different subjects to hear the thoughts and opinions of our pupils. Our most recent are in Maths, Geography and Science. The results from these can be found on the subject pages under the 'Curriculum' tab.

Before Christmas, we focussed on a different characteristic of effective learning at St Levan in assemblies, unpicking what each meant and how we feel we demonstrate them. Here are the outcomes of our focus on 'resilience'.
As part of their ongoing focus on school improvement, Student Council asked everyone a series of questions in assembly. The outcomes will now feed into their plan for the summer term.