
The important thing is to never stop questioning. 
Albert Einstein 


Our overall intention is to nurture and develop our six qualities of learning which enable all children to shine…for life! We nurture and encourage creative, kind and resilient learners who are reflective, inquisitive and determined in all they do. Our intention is for learners at St Levan to know more and remember more in Science through investigation, observation and explanation.



To think like scientists, learners at St Levan focus on our three subject specific characteristics which are:


I can investigate


I observe the world around me


I explain what has happened



These three characteristics are woven throughout our Science curriculum and are built upon as children progress through the school. This ensures that children acquire the skills and knowledge they need to succeed, expressed in concepts and language with which they have already become familiar.


We provide an engaging, characterful and balanced curriculum for all.

Our inclusive curriculum is carefully planned to allow for progress for all pupils in our two mixed age classes. We recognise the challenges of teaching a progression within a subject to a mixed age class and, having undertaken our own research and consulted subject specialists and organisations, developed our own pedagogy and created what we believe is the best fit for our setting. With a commitment to the removal of barriers to learning and participation, we offer high quality teaching and appropriate differentiation to meet the needs of all. Using our rolling programme (see our Curriculum Offer page), we teach Science through termly units and focus on building knowledge, understanding and how to work scientifically.

Please find below our Science Curriculum Progression documents:

Due to our mixed age classes and 3 or 4 year rolling programmes, not all units of work will be covered in the academic year suggested by the National Curriculum. Our long term planning does ensure that all units are covered across a Key Stage, with time built in for revisiting specific areas should it be needed. 

We interconnect learning opportunities with an enriched environment to promote a love of learning and the outdoors.

To allow for an engaging, characterful and balanced curriculum, Science at St Levan incorporates trips to nearby places of interest such as museums, wildlife rehabilitation centres, places of work etc. as well as inviting experts to come and visit school to share and inspire. 


By the end of KS2, we aim for pupils to have achieved age related expectation in Science, for children to have retained knowledge that is pertinent to Science with a real life context. We aim for children to be able to question ideas and reflect on knowledge, work collaboratively and practically to investigate and experiment and that they are able explain the process they have taken and be able to reason scientifically.

Our Science Curriculum is planned to enable progression and build on and embed current skills working towards the expected National Curriculum outcomes. Our regular assessments in Science enable us to identify gaps and trends in the curriculum and pupil attainment. We also measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods: pupil discussions and interviewing the pupils about their learning (pupil voice), photo, recording and video evidence of the pupils' practical learning.

Pupil Voice in Science February 2022
Click the resource below to get to useful Science links and apps.
This website has some super fan activities for supporting science out of school. 
Remember to ask permission before trying these experiments at home - some will need help from an adult to stay safe. 
Puffins focussing on developing their working scientifically skills reading thermometers and scales on measuring cylinders accurately at eye level.
Puffins proving that light travels in straight lines using bendy tubes and torches, testing to observe how shadows change size and shape as a light source and an object move and the graph Year 3 worked on together to show their results.